Pharm.D. Curriculum - Class of 2027

Curriculum for students entering the program in the fall of 2024.

Version: 4/5/22

P1 Fall 2024 (1st Professional Year)

Dept. CodeCourse No.Credit Hrs.Course Title
MDCM6013Medicinal Biochemistry I
P&TX6304Pharmacology I
PHCH6672Introduction to Clinical Chemistry
PHPR6202Ethical, Legal, and Cultural Issues in Patient Care
PHAR5001Introduction to Pharmacy
PHAR5101Pharmacy Skills I a
PHAR5121Pharmacy Skills I b

16 credit hours

P1 Spring 2025 (1st Professional Year)

Dept. CodeCourse No.Credit Hrs.Course Title
MDCM6033Medicinal Biochemistry II
P&TX6313Pharmacology II
PHCH5183Principles of Solution/Dosage Forms
PHPR6614Pharmacotherapy I
PHPR6193Healthcare Systems and Informatics
PHAR5151Pharmacy Skills II a
PHAR5171Pharmacy Skills II b
PHPR5410Foundations of Interprofessional Collaboration I

18 credit hours (does not include optional electives)

P1 Summer 2025 (1st Professional Year)

Dept. CodeCourse No.Credit Hrs.Course Title
PHAR5504Introductory Pharmacy Practice Experience: Community

KU CORE Goal 5

P2 Fall 2025 (2nd Professional Year)

Dept. CodeCourse No.Credit Hrs.Course Title
MDCM6254Medicinal Chemistry I
P&TX6323Pharmacology III
PHPR6624Pharmacotherapy II
PHPR6181Hospital and Health-System Pharmacy
PHAR5201Pharmacy Skills III

16 credit hours

P2 Spring 2026 (2nd Professional Year)

Dept. CodeCourse No.Credit Hrs.Course Title
MDCM6264Medicinal Chemistry II
P&TX6333Pharmacology IV
PHCH6263Biopharmaceutics & Drug Delivery
PHPR6634Pharmacotherapy III
PHAR5251Pharmacy Skills IV
PHPR5420Foundations of Interprofessional Collaboration II
  1Pharmacy elective course

16 credit hours
70 professional credit hours completed

Exam/Assessment: P2 Objective Structured Clinical Exam (KU CORE Goal 6)

Apply for Degree: Bachelor of Science in Pharmaceutical Studies (BSPS)

P2 Summer 2026 (2nd Professional Year)

Dept. CodeCourse No.Credit Hrs.Course Title
PHAR5604Introductory Pharmacy Practice Experience: Hospital

P3 Fall 2026 (3rd Professional Year)

Dept. CodeCourse No.Credit Hrs.Course Title
PHCH6932Clinical Pharmacokinetics
PHPR6644Pharmacotherapy IV
PHPR6143Pharmacy Management
PHPR6242Pharmacoepidemiology and Public Health
PHPR6292Research Design and Biostatistics
PHAR5301Pharmacy Skills V
  1Pharmacy elective course

15 credit hours

P3 Spring 2027 (3rd Professional Year)

Dept. CodeCourse No.Credit Hrs.Course Title
PHPR6654Pharmacotherapy V
PHPR6212Pharmacy Law
PHPR6301Drug Information and Literature Evaluation
PHAR5351Pharmacy Skills VI a
PHAR5371Pharmacy Skills VI b
PHPR5430Foundations of Interprofessional Collaboration III
  1Pharmacy elective course
  1Pharmacy elective course

15 credit hours

P4 Fall 2027 (4th Professional Year)

Dept. CodeCourse No.Credit Hrs.Course Title
PHPR6014Advanced Pharmacy Practice Experience
PHPR6024Advanced Pharmacy Practice Experience
PHPR6034Advanced Pharmacy Practice Experience
PHPR6044Advanced Pharmacy Practice Experience
PHPR6054Advanced Pharmacy Practice Experience

20 credit hours

P4 Spring 2028 (4th Professional Year)

Dept. CodeCourse No.Credit Hrs.Course Title
PHPR6064Advanced Pharmacy Practice Experience
PHPR6074Advanced Pharmacy Practice Experience
PHPR6084Advanced Pharmacy Practice Experience
PHPR6094Advanced Pharmacy Practice Experience

16 credit hours

P4 Year Completed Work Summary - June 2027 - April 2028:

  • 36 APPE credit hours completed
  • 9 APPE rotations completed, including:
    • advanced community and advanced hospital rotations
    • ambulatory care rotation
    • acute care/inpatient general medicine rotation
    • five elective rotations
  • Rotations will correspond with enrollment in PHPR 601 - 609 in the P4 fall and P4 spring semesters.
  • 140 professional credit hours completed
  • 208+ cumulative credit hours completed

Apply for Degree: Doctor of Pharmacy (Pharm.D.)

Post-Graduation Year 1 (PGY1) - Board exams completed following graduation

  • North American Pharmacists Licensure Examination (NAPLEX)
  • Multistate Pharmacy Jurisprudence Examination (MPJE)
  • Optional Post-Graduate Year 1 (PGY1) training (residencies, fellowships, etc.)

KU School of Pharmacy Professional Development Program

In addition to coursework, all students are required to complete the KU School of Pharmacy Professional Development program as they progress through the P1 - P3 curriculum detailed above. The KU School of Pharmacy Professional Development Program fulfills an accreditation requirement from the Accreditation Council for Pharmacy Education (ACPE).