Experiential Education Program

The KU School of Pharmacy partners with working pharmacists throughout the state and other areas who serve as preceptors, or mentors, to students from their first to their final year in the Pharm.D. program.

From summer rotations as P1 and P2 students to nine one-month rotations in their P4 year, students gain experience in a wide variety of settings. On rotations, students will learn how to work in community pharmacies, hospitals, managed care facilities, compounding, long term care facilities and more.

The clinical experiences provide students the opportunity to apply knowledge gained in the classroom to real world daily situations. The variety of experiences allows students to graduate with a strong sense of which pharmacy path they would like to pursue.

Experiential Education Staff

We are dedicated to assisting preceptors and students. Contact us regarding any pharmacy rotation related questions.

Joe Heidrick
  • Associate Dean for Experiential Education
  • Clinical Assistant Professor
  • School of Pharmacy - Administration
  • School of Pharmacy - Experiential Education
  • Department of Pharmacy Practice