Distinguished Service Award
The University of Kansas School of Pharmacy Distinguished Service Award is school’s top award. It honors individuals who have demonstrated selfless and sustained service and leadership in advancement of the profession, their communities and the School of Pharmacy. It is awarded annually and celebrated at the Dean's Club dinner at the School of Pharmacy in Lawrence each spring.
Harold Godwin
Class of 1964
University of Kansas School of Pharmacy

Tom Wiggans
Class of 1975
Chairman and CEO of Pardes Biosciences

Marvin Bredehoft
Class of 1973
Medical Arts Pharmacy (Lawrence, KS)

David Weaver
Class of 1967
Weaver and Company (Aurora, CO)

Jeff Denton & Sherry Denton
Class of 1965, Class of 1966
B&K Prescription Shop, Salina Regional Health Center (Salina, KS)