Student Society of Health System Pharmacists (SSHP) helps students interested in health-system pharmacy learn more about careers in hospitals, health maintenance organizations, long-term care facilities, home care and other health care settings.
Organization Contact:
Jacob Suiter | KU SSHP President |
Events and Meetings —
Pharmacy Skills Competition
Each fall, SSHP hosts a clinical skills competition, in which students work in teams of two to review a patient case and produce a treatment plan using knowledge gained from the classroom. The winning team earns free registration to the midyear meeting and competes at the national competition.
Other Events
- ASHP Midyear Clinical Meeting
- GKCSHP Drug Representative Dinners
- Kansas to Kenya Firewood Fundraiser
- Lawrence Memorial Hospital Health Fair
- Lawrence Memorial Hospital Flu Clinic
- Pharmacist Mentoring Program
- Pharmacist Shadowing Program
- The Big Event