Technical Support of SOP Classrooms

Rooms covered by the guidance document

  • PHAR 1001
  • PHAR 1015
  • PHAR 1020
  • PHAR 2020
  • PHAR 2040
  • PHAR Conf. Rm. 2015
  • PHAR Conf. Rm. 2044
  • PHAR 3002
  • PHAR 3004
  • PHAR 3005
  • PHAR 3020
  • PHAR Atrium
  • SIM 282

IT Technical Support Providers

(for audio/visual, videoconferencing, classroom technology, desktop support, network, and IT issues)

  • RxIT – 785‐864‐7948
  • Colby Qualls 785-864-6451
  • Anthony Jalali 785-864-8097
  • Tom Henault 785-864-0737
  • Scott Williams 785-864-0095
  • Bill Orth 785-864-4849
  • (Simons) Jason Habiger 785-864-8227


The intent of this document is to clarify the needs, responsibilities, and procedures for technical support in the classrooms used to teach professional and graduate courses in the School of Pharmacy.

Level of Support Needed

The classrooms listed above are used extensively for pharmacy courses. It is necessary to ensure that the audio, video, and recording equipment in the rooms remain functional and positioned to operate for all class periods. IT support is needed throughout the day on an ad hoc basis and response time is critical. It is the intent of the school that a presenter (or a Dean’s Office representative on behalf of a presenter) can communicate with an IT technician in person or by phone within 5 minutes of calling between the hours of 8 a.m. to 5 p.m.

Responsibility for Support

The technicians listed above are responsible for the support of the rooms. This support is coordinated by the first IT support provider listed and they should be contacted in the order listed.


In the case of a problem with A/V/recording equipment, a presenter or Dean’s Office representative should call the RxIT general number first. However, if the need is dire and RxIT goes to voicemail, proceed calling down the list of IT representatives. The IT support provider should respond directly to the caller (or call the Dean’s Office if unable to reach the caller). If the issue is not resolved immediately, the IT support technician should offer an alternate solution and establish and communicate a timeline for repair to the presenter. All repairs and system updates should be documented by email to the Technology Coordinator.