Karen E. Moeller

- Clinical Professor
- Department of Pharmacy Practice
Contact Info
Medical Center, Kansas City
3901 Rainbow Blvd, MS 4047
Kansas City, KS 66160
2010 Becker Drive
Lawrence, KS 66047
Biography —
Karen E. Moeller is a Clinical Professor in the Department of Pharmacy Practice. She earned a doctor of pharmacy degree from Virginia Commonwealth University and a bachelor of science degree in chemistry and mathematics from the University of Tennessee, Knoxville. She completed her hospital pharmacy practice residency and psychiatric pharmacy practice residency at West Virginia University. She is board certified in psychiatric pharmacy and provides clinical services in the adult inpatient psychiatry unit at the University of Kansas Health Systems.
Moeller is active in teaching, service and research. She provides didactic and experiential education for pharmacy students, medical students and psychiatry residents. She has authored and co-authored many peer-reviewed publications and has presented her work locally, statewide and nationally. She is active in the College of Psychiatric and Neurologic Pharmacists and serves on the board of directors. Her research interests are in the areas of substance abuse, schizophrenia and pharmacy education.
Education —
Teaching —
Courses Taught
- PHPR 662– Pharmacotherapy II (Coordinator)
- PHPR 510 – Medical Terminology (Co-coordinator)
- PHPR 513 – Chemical Dependency (Co–coordinator)
- Psychiatric Pharmacy Practice Advanced Clerkship (Preceptor)
- Advance Teaching Clerkship (Preceptor)
- Clinical Research Rotation (Preceptor)
Selected Publications —
Moeller, K. E., Kissack, J. C., Atayee, R. S., & Lee, K. C. (2017). Clinical Interpretation of Urine Drug Tests: What Clinicians Need to Know About Urine Drug Screens. MAYO CLINIC PROCEEDINGS, 92(5), 774-796. DOI:10.1016/j.mayocp.2016.12.007
Wolfe, M. E., Moeller, K. E., & Woods, B. (2017). Medical Students' Perceptions on the Role of Pharmacists. Journal of pharmacy practice, 897190017734764. DOI:10.1177/0897190017734764
Moeller, K. E., Sager, N. Mekles, T. Din, A. Genovese, A. Naveed, S. & Demo, A. (2016). Bad Weed: A Case of Prolonged Psychosis Secondary to Synthetic Cannabinoids. Kansas Medical Journal, 9(2), 43-44.
Moeller, K. E., Din, A. Wolfe, M. & Holmes, G. (2016). Psychotropic medication use in hospitalized patients with borderline personality disorder. Ment Health Clin , 6(2), 68-74.
Moeller, K. E., & Woods, B. (2015). Pharmacy Students' Knowledge and Attitudes Regarding Medical Marijuana. American journal of pharmaceutical education, 79(6), 85. DOI:10.5688/ajpe79685
Moeller, K. E. (2013). Favorable Pregnancy Outcomes Following Continual Intramuscular Lorazepam use in Late Pregnancy. Mental Health Clinician, 3(2), 92.
Moeller, K. E., Rigler, S. K., Mayorga, A. Nazir, N. & Shireman, T. I. (2011). Quality of monitoring for metabolic effects associated with second generation antipsychotics in patients with schizophrenia on public insurance. Schizophrenia research, 126(1-3), 117-23. DOI:10.1016/j.schres.2010.11.015
Moeller, K. E., Shireman, T. I., Generali, J. Rigler, S. & Mayorga, A. (2010). Pharmacy students' knowledge of black box warnings. American journal of pharmaceutical education, 74(1), 5.
Selected Presentations —
Moeller, K. E. (10/31/2017). Rx Pharmaceuticals versus Impairment. Joint Law Enforcement Officer/Prosecutor Impaired Driving Seminar. Wichita, KS.
Moeller, K. E. & Shin, T. . (10/31/2017). The Opioid Epidemic: Review of New Pain Management Guidelines and the Role of Naloxone. Kansas Pharmacist Association Annual Meeting and Trade Show. Wichita, Kansas
Moeller, K. E. (03/23/2017). Overview of Psychotropic Medications: What first responders need to know. Crisis Intervention Training. National Alliance of Mental Illness.. Kansas City, Kansas
Moeller, K. E. (07/31/2016). The Growing Use of Antipsychotics: An update on indications, monitoring and counseling. Kansas Pharmacist Association Annual Meeting and Trade Show. Wichita, Kansas
Moeller, K. E. & Underwood, B. . (07/31/2015). Technology and Medications: Making Technology a Snap to Enhance Medication Outcomes. National Alliance on Mental Illness Annual Meeting. San Francisco, CA
Moeller, K. E. (02/29/2012). Urine Drug Testing: How to Interpret and When to Order. The University of Kansas Medical Center, Grand Rounds. Kansas City, KS
Moeller, K.E (11/2018). Update on Psychopharmacology and Controversial Issues with Alternative Treatments. 2018 Mental Health Symposium. Hays, KS.
Moeller, K.E (7/2018). Drug Use and Abuse in the United States. Hubert H Humphrey Fellowship Pre-Academic Program, The University of Kansas. Lawrence, KS.
Moeller, K.E. (4/2018). Struggles with Urine Drug Screens. College of Psychiatric and Neurologic Pharmacist Annual Meeting, Indianapolis, IN. April 2018
Awards & Honors —
- Chapter of the Year, Phi Lambda Sigma, Faculty Advisor. (2016)
- Annual Teaching Scholarship for the American Association of Colleges of Pharmacy, Wal-Mart. (2015)
- Chapter of the Year, Phi Lambda Sigma, Faculty Co-advisor. (2014)
- Preceptor of the Year, University of Kansas, School of Pharmacy (2011)
- Original Research Award, College of Psychiatric and Neurologic Pharmacists (2010)
- First Place, Encore Poster Presentation, Missouri Society of Health Systems Pharmacist (2010)
- Distinguished Teacher of the Year, University of Kansas (2008)
Memberships —
- College of Psychiatric and Neurologic Pharmacists - Consumer Relations Committee, Chair 2012, Consumer Relations Committee, Vice-chair (2011), Communications Committee, Chair (2006-2007) (2014-2016), Editorial Board Member (2016-2018), Member at Large (2018-2020)
- American Association of Colleges of Pharmacy - Faculty Delegate, (2012), Faculty Delegate, Alternate (2010, 2011)
- Mental Health Prescription Drug Advisory Committee - Kansas Health Policy Authority (2009-2011)
- Academic Policy and Procedure Committee, University of Kansas - Chair (2017-Pesent)
- Phi Lambda Sigma, University of Kansas School of Pharmacy - Faculty Advisor (2014-Present)