Joyce A. Generali

Joyce Generali
  • Professor Emeritus
  • Pharmacy Practice

Contact Info


Professor Joyce Generali was synonymous with the nationally recognized University of Kansas Drug Information Center for over 26 years and is an expert in drug information and medical writing. Her advice is sought from experts worldwide. Joyce retired from KU’s Department of Pharmacy Practice in 2013 as a professor emeritus. Following her KU career, Joyce became associate director of Clinical Content Management at Wolters Kluwer. Joyce has received numerous awards including Distinguished Drug InformationPractitioner by the American College of Clinical Pharmacy. She has authored close to 300 publications, is an author or contributor of several drug reference books and has been an editor or senior editor for seven journals and medical information publishers over her career, in addition to numerous presentations.


M.S. in Hospital Pharmacy, University of Kansas, Lawrence, KS
ASHP Accredited Residency in Pharmacy Practice, University of Kansas Medical Center, Kansas City, KS
ASHP Accredited Residency in Hospital Pharmacy Practice, Medical College of Virginia Hospitals, Richmond, VA
B.S. in Pharmacy, University of Connecticut, Storrs, CT

Selected Publications


Generali JA, Paxton LP. Black Box Warnings: A Study Guide (3rd Ed) 2012  (2nd Ed) April2011,(1st Ed) April 2010,

Generali JA. The Pharmacy Technician’s Pocket Drug Reference.  American Pharmaceutical Association, Washington, DC. (7th Edition) 2012, (6th Edition) 2010, (5th Edition) 2008, (4th Edition) 2007, (3rd  Edition) 2005, (2nd Edition) 2002, (1st Edition) 2000

Generali JA, Cada DK (Ed). Off Label Drug Facts.  Facts and Comparison. St.Louis, MO.  2002-2015 (New Book Honorable Mention: American Medical Writers Association 2002)

Loughlin K, Generali JA (Eds). Alternative Medicines, Alternative Cures. Philip Lief Publishing. (2007)

Loughlin K, Generali JA (Eds). The Guide to Off Label Prescription Drugs. Philip Lief Publishing. (2006) (Awarded Top 10 Reference List by New York Public Library System: 2007)

Prakash C, Generali JA. A Therapeutic Guide to Common Gastroenterology Problems.  Facts & Comparisons. St. Louis, MO (1st Edition) 2003.

Generali JA, Berger C.  Pharmacy Examination Review Book.  McGraw Hill (12th  Edition), 2005

Generali JA, Berger C.  Pharmacy Examination Review Book.  McGraw Hill (11th  Edition), 2002

Generali JA, Danish M.  Pharmacy Examination Review Book.  McGraw Hill (10th  Edition), 1999


Generali J.  Adverse drug reaction reporting: awareness is not enough.  Hosp Pharm  2014 49(2):110-11.

Generali J. Energy Drinks: Drug, Food or Supplement. Hosp Pharm 2013; 48(1):2-3.

Generali J. In the Maelstrom: Managing Urgent National Safety Data. Hosp Pharm 2012; 47(12):910-11.

Generali J. Residency Preceptor Development: A New Series. Hosp Pharm 2012; 47(8):577.

Generali J. Revisiting Peer Review: Is it Time for you to be a Peer Reviewer? Hosp Pharm 2012; 47(5):326-27.

Prohaska E, Generali J. Community involvement in emergency preparedness. Hosp Pharm 2012; 47(1):8.

Generali J. Toward the future: Pharmacy practice models. Hosp Pharm 2011; 46(4):236.

Generali J.  Managing drug recalls effectively. Hosp Pharm 2011; 46(1):5-6.

Generali J. Peer review program for students and residents. Hosp Pharm  2010; 45(7)516-517.

White SJ, Generali J. A successful career. Hosp Pharm  2010; 45(2)88.

Generali J.  Legacy: It’s importance and guidance. Hosp Pharm  2010; 45(1):10.

Generali J.  In the shadow of H1N1 flu pandemic: Internet resources. Hosp Pharm  2009; 44(8): 651

Hernandez C, Generali J. Cultural competency and the pharmacist. Hosp Pharm 2009;  44(5):369-70.

Generali JA.  Why publish? Hosp Pharm  2008; 43(11): 868.

Generali JA.  Black box warnings: the continuing dilemma. Hosp Pharm  2008; 43(1): 7.

King A, Generali J. Personalized medicine? An update on warfarin (Coumadin) labeling.  Hosp Pharm   2007; 42(10):882.

Generali JA.  The pharmacist’s role in the changing world of drug recalls and market withdrawals.  Hosp Pharm  2007; 42(7): 594.

King A, Generali J. Medication reconciliation and alternative medicines.  Hosp Pharm   2007; 42(4):282-283.

Generali JA. Animal drugs and the informed pet owner: black box warnings in veterinary medicine. Veterinary Forum 2007; (2):15-17.

Russett F, Generali JA. Multifactorial approach to fall reduction the acute care setting: A role for pharmacists. Hosp Pharm 2006; 41(12);1146-47.

Generali JA. Changes in the US drug safety system. Hosp Pharm   2006; 41(8):722.

Generali JA. New product labeling: a movement toward increased patient safety. Hosp Pharm   2006; 41(5):402.

Generali JA. A new feature: standardized drug prescribing forum. Hosp Pharm   2006; 41(2):110.

Vora S, Generali JA. Postgraduate pharmacy programs: investment in the future. Hosp Pharm   2005; 39(11):1017.

Generali JA. Bridging the gap for medication safety: Medication reconciliation. Hosp Pharm  2004; 39(8):724.

Sears EL, Generali JA. Webographics: guiding patient use of the internet for healthcare information. Hosp Pharm 2004; 39(4):306-07.

Le A, Generali JA. From printed formularies to online formularies. Hosp Pharm  2003; 38(11):1003

Generali JA. Counterfeit drugs: A growing concern. Hosp Pharm  2003; 38(8):724.

Calish JA, Generali JA. Management administrative residencies: Training pharmacy leaders of tomorrow. Hosp Pharm  2003; 38(5):410.

Generali JA.  Alternative medicines in the hospital setting.  Hosp Pharm  2002; 37(12):1256.

Generali JA.  The inexact science of applying clinical studies to patient care.  Hosp Pharm  2002; 37(10):1032.

Generali JA.  The dilemma of drugs with black box warnings.  Hosp Pharm  2002; 37(7):704.

Hinthorn DR, Generali JA, Godwin HN. Pharmacist's scope of practice: response to position paper. Ann Pharmacotherapy  2002; 36(4):718-20.

Generali JA.  Emergency preparedness.  Hosp Pharm  2002; 37(1):9.

Generali JA.  Reflections from the other side.  Hosp Pharm  2001; 36(10):422.

Generali JA.  Withdrawal of marketed drugs and ADR reporting.  Hosp Pharm  2001; 36(4):368.

Generali JA. Avoiding drug interactions. Am Fam Physician  2000;  (Mar 15); 61(6):1628, 1630, 1637.

Other Articles (recent only)

McEvoy T, Moore J, Generali JA.  Inpatient prescribing and monitoring of fentanyl transdermal systems: Adherence to             safety regulations. Hospital Pharmacy 2014; 49(10):942-949.

Prohaska E, Generali JA, Zak K. Publication rates of abstracts presented at national pharmacy association meetings. Hospital Pharmacy 2013; 48(3):219-26

Moeller KE, Shireman TI, Generali J, Rigler S, Mayorga A. Pharmacy students' knowledge of black box warnings. Am J Pharm Educ. 2010 Feb 10;74(1):5

King AR, Russet FS, Generali JA, Grauer DW.  Evaluation and implications of Natural Product Use in preoperative             patients:  a retrospective review.  BMC Complementary and Alternative Medicine 2009; 9(38):1-8.

Sears EL, Generali JA. Adverse drug reaction and medication error reporting by pharmacy students. Annals Pharmacotherapy   2005; 39(3): 452-9. 

Phillips J, Generali JA, Meyer J. Evaluation of herbal-drug interaction resources.  Hosp Pharm  2004; 39(2):149-60.

Generali JA.  Black box warnings: Antineoplastics, vitamins, and miscellaneous agents. Hosp Pharm  2002; 37(11): 1228-46.

Generali JA.  Black box warnings: Cardiovascular, dermatological, gastrointestinal, hematological, hormonal and immunosuppressnts . Hosp Pharm  2002; 37(10): 1113-26.

Generali JA.  Black box warnings: Anti-infectives, anticonvulsants, and anti-infectives . Hosp Pharm  2002; 37(9): 1006-1023.

Generali JA.  Black box warnings: CNS and psychiatric drugs. Hosp Pharm  2002; 37(8):888-894.

Dill JL, Generali JA. An observational study of medication sample use in a family practice clinic. Hosp Pharm 2001; 36(4):393-97.

Selected Presentations

Video Presentations

Represented pharmacy profession in FDA national video entitled “Safety Information Resources for Healthcare Professionals”  Bethesda, Maryland.  October 2008

Recent Presentations

Generali JA.  Women in Leadership. ASHP Midyear Meeting, New Orleans, LA.  December 2015 (Roundtable Leader)

Generali JA. Black box warnings: Current trends and health system tools. University of Rhode Island Seminar by the Sea. Newport, Rhode Island.  March 2014 (Invited Platform Presentation)

McEvoy T, Generali J, Moore J.  Evaluation of inpatient monitoring and prescribing of fentanyl transdermal systems. ASHP Midyear Meeting, Las Vegas, NV.  December 2012 (Poster Presentation)

Generali JA. Black Box Warnings: Current Trends and Implications for Patient Safety in Acute and Long Term HealthCare Settings. Mississippi Society of Health System Pharmacists Annual Meeting.  Jackson, MS  July 2012 (Invited Platform presentation)

Generali JA. Black Box Warnings: Implications for Patient Safety. Texas Society of Health System Pharmacists Annual Meeting.  Dallas Texas, April 2012 (Invited Platform presentation)

Generali JA. Current Trends in Black Box Warnings: Implications for Patient Safety. Seminar by the Sea, RISHP Annual Meeting.  Newport, RI March 2012 (Invited Platform presentation)

Prohaska E, Generali JA, Zak K. Publication rates of abstracts presented at national pharmacy association meetings.

ASHP Midyear Meeting, New Orleans, LA,  December 2011 (poster presentation)

Zak K, Generali JA. Development of a drug information electronic library access model.  ASHP Midyear Meeting, New Orleans, LA, December 2011  (poster presentation)

Generali JA. Black box warnings: Utilizing Patient Care Plans.  Formulary Productions User Meeting. Midyear. New Orleans, LA December 2011 (platform presentation)

Generali JA. Current Trends in Black Box Warnings: Implications for Patient Safety. Kansas Pharmaceutical Association Annual Meeting, Wichita KS. Sept 2011 (Platform presentation)

Generali JA.  Translating FDA drug safety communications into patient safety. FDA Drug Safety Oversight Meeting. Silver Sprnigs, MD. July 2011 (platform presentation)

Generali JA. Black box warnings. What does it mean for you?  Bottom Line on Your Health" hosted by Sarah Hiner. July 2011 (Radio Interview)

Generali JA.  Black box warnings: Current trends and implications for patient safety in acute and long term care. Greater New York Hospital Association.  May 2011 (Webinar)

Generali JA. The safe and effective use of botulinum toxin products. Tenn Pharmacist Hospital Association Regional Meeting.  Nashville, TN, February 2011 (platform presentation)

Generali JA. The safe and effective use of botulinum toxin products. ASHP Midyear meeting, Anaheim, CA, December 2010 (platform presentation)

Zak K, Hernandez C, Parker A, Generali J. Evaluation of trends in the use of the Internet by pharmacy publications: An observational study. ASHP Midyear meeting, Anaheim, CA, December 2010 (poster presentation)

Carson S, King A, Generali JA. Evaluation of drug information resources in community pharmacies: independent versus chain. ASHP Midyear meeting, Anaheim, CA, December 2010 (poster presentation)

Generali JA. Black box warnings: Update and trends 2010.  Webinar (national). Formulary Productions. November 2010

Generali JA. The safe and effective use of botulinum toxin products. GSHP Regional Meeting.  Harris, Georgia, October 2010 (platform presentation)

Generali JA. Development of patient care plans regarding safety issues in long term care facilities. Formulary Productions User Group. Midyear Meeting Breakfast Meeting. Las Vegas, NE December 2009 (platform presentation)

Generali JA. FDA Black Box Warnings: Current Issues and Focus on Women's Health. ACCP Meeting.  Anaheim, CA. October 2009 (Platform presentation)

Generali JA.  Effective communications to the health professional by the FDA. (Panel with FDA) Drug Information Association. San Diego, CA June 2009 (platform presentation)

Generali JA.  Black box warnings: what does the future hold for patient safety. Formulary Productions Panel Leader. April 2009   Cancun, Mexico.  April 2009 (platform presentation)

Generali JA. Black box warnings. Patient care plans, movement toward the future. New Jersey Hospital Consortium. New Jersey.  April 2009 (Webinar presentation)

Generali JA.  Black box warnings: Update and implications for medication safety. Topeka Physicians Continuing Education Group. Topeka, KS.  April 2009 (platform presentation)

Generali JA.  Black box warnings. Are they different for seniors? American Society of Consultant Pharmacists, New Orleans, LA.  November 2008 (platform presentation)

Moeller KE, Shireman T, Generali J, Rigler S, Mayorga APharmacy Students Knowledge of Black Box Warning.  Poster Presentation at American Association of Colleges of Pharmacy 2008 Annual Meeting. Chicago, Illinois, June 2008.

Rigler S, Shireman T,  Mayorga A, Generali J, Moeller K.  Resident knowledge of black box warnings.  Society of General Internal Medicine. Pittsburgh, PA. April 2008  (poster presentation)

Generali JA.  Implementing black box warnings in the clinical arena. Food and Drug Administration, Bethesda, Maryland  May 2008 (platform presentation)

Hernandez C, Generali JA. Evolution of technology in pharmacy publications.  ASHP Midyear Clinical Meeting   December 2007. (poster presentation)

Generali JA.  The changing face of black box warnings: implications for patient safety. 22nd Annual Seminar by the Sea, Newport, Rhode Island. March 2007 (platform presentation)

Russett F, Lohman A, Generali JA. Evaluation and implications of natural product us in pre-operative patients.  ASHP Midyear Clinical Meeting   December 2006. (poster presentation)

Generali JA. Adverse drug reaction and monitoring in the acute health care setting. Kyoritsu College of Pharmacy, Tokyo, Japan. October 2006. (platform presenation)

Generali JA. Black box warnings: An update on changes in the US safety system and implications for medication safety. Kyoritsu College of Pharmacy, Tokyo, Japan. October 2006. (platform presentation)

Carter L, Nguyen P, Generali JA. Evaluation of herbal drug interaction resources on the internet.  ASHP Midyear Clinical Meeting   December 2005. (poster presentation)

Vora S, Hillin K, Generali JA. Look-alike, sound-alike medications: a plan for improvement.  ASHP Midyear Clinical Meeting   December 2004. (poster presentation)

Vora S, Hillin K, Generali JA. Profile of off label drug use requests received in a university drug information center.  ASHP Midyear Clinical Meeting   December 2004. (poster presentation)

Le A, Generali JA. A survey of medication safety information embedded into hospital online formularies.  ASHP Midyear Clinical Meeting   December 2003. (poster presentation)

Wilhite E, Generali JA. Knowledge and usage of medication and adverse drug reaction reporting programs among pharmacy students. ASHP Midyear Clinical Meeting   December 2003. (poster presentation)

Generali JA. Health insurance programs: United States vs Japan reimbursement. Kyoritsu College of Pharmacy, Tokyo, Japan. October 2003. (platform presenation)

Generali JA. Black box warnings: Implications for medication safety.  Kyoritsu College of Pharmacy, Tokyo, Japan. October 2003. (platform presenation)

Generali JA. Black box warnings: Embedding medication safety data into on-line formularies.  Veterans Medical Center  Albuquerque, NM September 2003. (platform presenation)

Generali JA. Black box warnings: Implications for medication safety.  Stanford University Medical Center  Stanford, CA. September 2003. (platform presenation)

Generali JA, Littles B, Johnson K. Black box drug warnings: utilization in the hospital setting.  ASHP Midyear Clinical Meeting   December 2002. (poster presentation)

Generali JA. Adverse drug reaction reporting in U.S. hospitals. Fukuyama University. College of Pharmacy. Japan. November 2002

Generali JA. Medication safety in the United States. Kyoritsu College of Pharmacy, Tokyo, Japan. October 2002.

Awards & Honors

  • Distinguished Drug Information Practitioner, October 2013, American Colleges of Clinical Pharmacy-DI Group
  • Distinguished Alumni Recognition, June 2013, University of Connecticut School of Pharmacy
  • Top 10 Reference List [Guide to Off Label Prescription Drugs], 2007, New York Public Library System
  • Harold N Godwin Leadership Legacy Award, 2007, University of Kansas School of Pharmacy
  • ISMP National Safety Award, 2006, Institute of Safe Medication Practices
  • New Book Honorable Mention [Off Label Drug Facts], 2002, American Medical Writers Association