Dennis W. Grauer

- Associate Professor
- Department of Pharmacy Practice
Contact Info
2010 Becker Drive
Lawrence, KS 66047
3901 Rainbow Blvd.
Kansas City, KS 66160
Biography —
Dr. Grauer grew up in North Central Kansas in the community of Marysville. Dr. Grauer earned his B.S. in Pharmacy in 1989 from the University of Kansas. He received his M.S. in Hospital Pharmacy in 1991 from The Ohio State University and completed an ASHP accredited residency program in 1991 at The Ohio State University Medical Center. In 2000, he received his Ph.D. in Pharmacy from The Ohio State University. Dr. Grauer completed a two-year health economic fellowship in the Solid Organ Transplantation Division at The Ohio State University. He served as the Director of Outcomes Measurement and Research for Ohio State University Medical Center for 3 years. He returned to the University of Kansas in 2000 as an Assistant Professor of Pharmacy Practice. While at KU, he has served as the Graduate Program Director and has mentored more than 40 Master’s level students. He also serves as director of the School of Pharmacy's Mulitcultural Scholars Program. Dr. Grauer has significant work experience in retail, hospital, mail-order and consulting pharmacy. Outside of work, Dr. Grauer spends a great deal of time with his family in sporting activities, music and home remodeling projects.
Education —
Teaching —
Courses Taught
Required Pharm.D. Curriculm Courses:
- PHPR 613 Pharmacoeconomics and Outcomes Research (2 credit hours)
- PHPR 614 Pharmacy Practice Management (3 credit hours)
Elective Pharm.D. Curriculum Courses (all 1 credit hour):
- PHPR 519 Business Planning for Pharmacists
Required Master’s Degree Curriculum Courses:
- PHPR 855 Evaluation of Health Care Programs and Services (3 credit hours)
- Research and independent study credit hours for both professional and graduate degree students
Selected Publications —
Snyder, J. Hochard, E. Rockey, M. Grauer, D. Henry, D. & Abdallah, A. O. (2018). Evaluation of maintenance regimens for multiple myeloma patients post-transplant. In 2018 HOPA 14th Annual Conference Proceedings. Denver, CO, 2018.
Fleer, R. Grauer, D. Henry, D. Rockey, M. & Hosmer, K. (2018). Medication interactions with oral chemotherapy agents: a focus on the BCR-ABL tyrosine kinase inhibitors in patients with chronic myeloid leukemia. In: 2018 HOPA 14th Annual Conference Proceedings. Denver, CO, 2018.
Ralph, S. Melancon, T. Damery, E. Grauer, D. Henry, D. & Rockey, M. (2018). Oral chemotherapy toxicity monitoring: assessment of adherence at a single institution. In 2018 HOPA 14th Annual Conference Proceedings. Denver, CO, 2018.
Williams, K. Henry, D. Grauer, D. & Rockey, M. (2017). Evaluation of corticosteroids for the management of immune related adverse events in patients receiving checkpoint inhibitors. In 2017 HOPA 13th Annual Conference Proceedings. Anaheim, CA, 2017.
Prohaska, L. Hochard, E. Burke, E. Henry, D. Grauer, D. Rockey, M. & Neupane, P. (2017). Management of pemetrexed associated toxicities. In 2017 HOPA 13th Annual Conference Proceedings. Anaheim, CA, 2017.
Konrardy, K. Henry, D. Grauer, D. Rockey, M. & Hosmer, K. (2017). Risk factors for sub-therapeutic tacrolimus levels after conversion from continuous intravenous infusion to oral in adults post-allogeneic hematopoietic cell transplantation. In 2017 HOPA 13th Annual Conference Proceedings. Anaheim, CA, 2017.
Burke, E. Rockey, M. Grauer, D. Henry, D. & Neupane, P. (2017). Assessment of cetuximab-induced infusion reactions and administration re-challenge at an academic medical center. Medical Oncology, 34, 51.
Williams, K. J., Grauer, D. W., Henry, D. W., & Rockey, M. L. (2017). Corticosteroids for the management of immune-related adverse events in patients receiving checkpoint inhibitors. Journal of Oncology Pharmacy Practice, 1-7.
Burke, E. Grauer, D. Henry, D. & Rockey, M. (2016). Assessment of cetuximab-induced infusion reactions and administration re-challenge at an academic medical center. In: 2016 HOPA 12th Annual Conference Proceedings. Atlanta, GA.
Rinehart, M. Mahmoudjafari, Z. Rockey, M. Grauer, D. Henry, D. & Ganguly, S. (2016). Empiric use of daptomycin for febrile neutropenia in hematopoietic stem cell transplant patients colonized with vancomycin-resistant Enterococcus spp. In: 2016 HOPA 12th Annual Conference Proceedings. Atlanta, GA.
McGuirk, J. Ganguly, S. Grauer, D. Abyankar, S. Lin, T. Singh, A. Shune, L. & Aljitawi, O. (2016). Evaluation of BEAM versus BEAC high-dose chemotherapy in autologous stem cell transplanatation: a single center experience. In: 2016 HOPA 12th Annual Conference Proceedings. Atlanta, GA, 2016.
Narveson, L. Kathol, E. Rockey, M. Henry, D. Grauer, D. & Neupane, P. (2016). Evaluation of weekly paclitaxel, carboplatin and cetuximab in head and neck cancer patients with incurable disease. International journal of radiation oncology, biology, physics, 94(4), 933-934.
Joseph, J. Kathol, E. Drenker, K. Bivona, C. Grauer, D. Henry, D. Dolittle, G. & Rockey, M. (2016). Monitoring and incidence of immune-mediated endocrinopathies: a retrospective review of patients receiving checkpoint inhibitors at the University of Kansas Cancer Center. In: 2016 HOPA 12th Annual Conference Proceedings. Atlanta, GA.
Melancon, T. Bivona, C. Klenke, S. Rockey, M. Huh, J. Henry, D. Grauer, D. Al-Kasspooles, M. Johnson, G. Reynolds, E. & Chapman, J. (2016). Comparison of postoperative venous thromboembolism incidence in gastrointestinal and gynecologic solid tumors. Thrombosis research, 147, 104-107. DOI:10.1016/j.thromres.2016.10.007
Narveson, L. Kathol, E. Rockey, M. Henry, D. Grauer, D. & Neupane, P. (2016). Evaluation of weekly paclitaxel, carboplatin, and cetuximab in head and neck cancer patients with incurable disease. Medical oncology (Northwood, London, England), 33(10), 107. DOI:10.1007/s12032-016-0822-0
Selected Presentations —
Snyder, J. Hochard, E. Rockey, M. Grauer, D. Henry, D. & Abdallah, A. O. (12/31/2018). Evaluation of maintenance regimens for multiple myeloma patients post-transplant. 2018 HOPA Annual Conference. Denver, CO
Fleer, R. Grauer, D. Henry, D. Rockey, M. & Hosmer, K. . (12/31/2018). Medication interactions with oral chemotherapy agents: a focus on the BCR-ABL tyrosine kinase inhibitors in patients with chronic myeloid leukemia. 2018 HOPA 14th Annual Conference.. Denver, CO
Ralph, S. Meancon, T. Damery, E. Grauer, D. Henry, D. & Rockey, M. . (12/31/2018). Oral chemotherapy toxicity monitoring: assessment of adherence at a single institution. 2018 HOPA 14th Annual Conference. Denver, CO
Grauer, D. W. (12/31/2017). Careers in research and academia. APHA-ASP Pharmacy Professionalism and Advocacy Conference. Lawrence, KS
Williams, K. Henry, D. Grauer, D. & Rockey, M. . (12/31/2017). Evaluation of corticosteroids for the management of immune related adverse events in patients receiving checkpoint inhibitors. 2017 HOPA 13th Annual Conference. Anaheim, CA
Prohaska, L. Hochard, E. Burke, E. Henry, D. Grauer, D. Rockey, M. & Neupane, P. . (12/31/2017). Management of pemetrexed associated toxicities. 2017 HOPA Annual Conference. Anaheim, CA
Grauer, D. W. (12/31/2017). Resume and CV preparation basics for those interested in residencies. Student Society of Health-System Pharmacists. Lawrence, KS and Wichita, KS
Konrardy, K. Henry, D. Grauer, D. Rockey, M. & Hosmer, K. . (12/31/2017). Risk factors for sub-therapeutic tacrolimus levels after conversuion from continuous intravenous infusion to oral in adults post-allogeneic hematopoietic cell transplantation. 2017 13th Annual Conference. Anaheim, CA
Grauer, D. W. (12/31/2017). Writing a statement of teaching philosophy. Practice-Based Teaching and Precepting Certificate Program, University of Kansas. Kansas City, KS
Burke, E. Grauer, D. Henry, D. Neupane, P. & Rockey, M. . (12/31/2016). Assessment of cetuximab-induced infusion reactions and administration re-challenge at an academic medical center. 2016 HOPA Annual Conference. Atlanta, GA
Rinehart, M. Mahmoudjafari, Z. Rockey, M. Grauer, D. Henry, D. & Ganguly, S. . (12/31/2016). Empiric use of daptomycin for febrile neutropenia in hematopoietic stem cell transplant patients colonized with vancomycin-resistant Enterococcus spp. 2016 HOPA 12th Annual Conference. Atlanta, GA
Mahmoudjafari, Z. McGuirk, J. Ganguly, S. Grauer, D. Abyankar, S. Lin, T. Singh, A. & Atjitawi, O. . (12/31/2016). Evaluation of BEAM versus BEAC high-dose chemotherapy in autologous stem cell transplantation: a single center study. 2016 HOPA Annual Conference. Atlanta, GA
Narveson, L. Kathol, E. Rockey, M. Henry, D. Grauer, D. & Neupane, P. . (12/31/2016). Evaluation of weekly paclitaxel, carboplatin and setuximab in head and neck cancer patients with incurable disease. 2016 Head and Neck Cancer Symposium. Pheonix, AZ
Joseph, J. Kathol, E. Drenker, K. Bivona, C. Grauer, D. Henry, D. Dolittle, G. & Rockey, M. . (12/31/2016). Monitoring and incidence of immune-mediated endocrinopathies: a retrospective review of patients receiving checkpoint inhibitors at the University of Kansas Cancer Center . 2016 HOPA 12th Annual Conference. Atlanta, GA
Grauer, D. . (12/31/2016). New payment models in healthcare delivery: do bundled payments pose a threat or create an opportunity for consultant pharmacist providers. American Society of Consultant Pharmacists – Kansas Chapter Annual Meeting. Wichita, KS
Awards & Honors —
- Jack L. Beal Postbaccalaureate Alumni Award, The Ohio State University, 2018
- Accreditation Evaluation for Research Protection Program Commendation, Data and Safety Monitoring Board, The University of Kansas Hospitals (2010)
- HOPA Literature Award. Albumin prophylaxis for ifosfamide-induced encephalopathy. Kettle JK, Grauer DW, Folker TL, O’Neal N, Henry DW, Williams CB. Pharmacotherapy (2010).
- Faculty Advisor, NCPA Business Plan Competition, 2nd Runner-Up (2008)
Service —
I strive to be a solid citizen within the Department, School, University and pharmacy profession. I believe I accomplish this by serving in a wide variety capacity. It is a rare instance where I have ever said no to a service opportunity. I have served on state and national level committees. I have been appointed by the Provost and Dean to several committees. This activity is expected to continue. In addition, my service to students goes above and beyond in many cases. I am proud that students contact me after they graduate. I have assited in the purchase of many pharmacies, start up of new pharmacies, provided career advice and am always willing to listen. Service is an enjoyable activity and one I hope to maintain throughout my career.
Memberships —
- Director, Multicultural Scholars Program, University of Kansas School of Pharmacy
- American College of Clinical Pharmacy
- American Pharmaceutical Association
- American Society of Health System Pharmacists
- Kansas Pharmacists Association
- Kansas Rural Health Association (Founding Member)
- Kansas Council of Health System Pharmacists
- National Community Pharmacists Association
- National Rural Health Association
- Phi Lambda Sigma National Pharmacy Leadership Society
- Advisor, KU School of Pharmacy, National Community Pharmacists Association Chapter