P1 Textbooks

Listed below are the textbooks you will need for your P1 year.

You can order your books online at the KU Bookstore website with various options for pickup or delivery available - kubookstore.com/find-your-textbooks

  1. MDCM 601 Medicinal Biochemistry (Wu, Qiju)
    1. Achieve for Biochemistry (Required)
      1. This course is participating in an “Auto Access” program, which allows you access to your digital course materials on the first day of class at the most affordable price. Simply login to your course in Canvas and have access to your required materials beginning day one of class. 

      2. The required textbook,Achieve/Biochemistry, 10th edition, is accessible in a one-term digital subscription by the first day of class and is free through the add/drop deadline date of 9/16/24. Students that remain in the course and not explicitly choose to “opt-out” will be charged a special reduced price of $77.75 (plus sales tax) for use of this content the entire semester. This charge will appear in a future statement in Enroll & Pay.

      3. Should you choose to opt-out of this program, you will lose access to the content effective 9/16/24 and will not be charged. However, you will need to purchase these materials at regular, non-discounted pricing from another reseller.

  2. P&TX 630 Pharmacology I (Zhao, Liqin)
    1. Basic & Clinical Pharmacology (Required) 

      1. Author: Katzung/14th Edition – ISBN: 9781259641152 ***This book is also available in an electronic online version at Access Pharmacy via KU Libraries for NO CHARGE via KU SOP subscription*** 

    2. Pathophysiology (Recommended) 

      1. Author: McCance/8th Edition ISBN: 9780323583473 

  3. PHCH 667, Intro to Clinical Chemistry (Wang, Michael)
    1. Basic Skills in Interpreting Laboratory Data (Optional)
      1. Author: Lee/6th Edition ISBN: 9781585285488 or Edwards/7th Edition ISBN: 9781585286416
  4. PHCH 517, Pharmacy Calculations (Davidow, Larry)
    1. Stoklosa and Ansel’s Pharmaceutical Calculations (Recommended)
      1. Author: Stockton/16th Edition ISBN: 9781975128555
  5. PHPR 620, Ethical, Legal, and Cultural Issues in Patient Care (Bates, Jessica)
    1. Case Studies in Pharmacy Ethics (Required)
      1. Veatch/3rd Edition ISBN: 9780190277000
  6. PHAR 510, Pharmacy Skills Laboratory Pre-Lecture and Lab I-A (Davidow, Larry)
    1. NO textbook or other references required at this time
  7. PHAR 512, Pharmacy Skills Lab I-B (Wu, Qiju)
    1. NO textbook or other references required at this time
  8. PHAR 500, Introduction to Pharmacy (Emerson, Robert)
    1. NO textbook or other references required at this time