P1 Orientation Agenda (final)

Friday, August 23, 2024 | 9:30 a.m. - 4:15 p.m.

Room 2020 - Lawrence (iPads REQUIRED)

TimeAgenda ItemPresenter
9:30 a.m.

Arrival and continental breakfast (2nd Floor Atrium)

  • Sign-in, Rx Intern Card Distribution, Nametags
    (Darlene Lantz, Office of Experiential Education)

KU SOP Student Ambassadors
10 a.m.

The Dean's Welcome

  • Introduction of Dean's Office staff
Interim Dean Barbara Timmermann, Ph.D.

10:20 a.m.

P1 Student Orientation Page

Jim Backes, Pharm.D., Associate Dean for Clinical and Medical Center Affairs

10:30 a.m.Technology in the KU Pharm.D. Program - What You Need to KnowColby Qualls, RxIT (Information Technology)
11 a.m.

Phi Lambda Sigma (PLS) Leadership Society - Peer Mentor Program

Adison Hoppas, P3 and PLS President

11:10 a.m.5-Minute Break 
11:15 a.m.

Introduction of the School of Pharmacy Faculty

  • (11:15) Teruna Siahaan Ph.D., Associate Chair, Department of Pharmaceutical Chemistry
  • (11:25) Nancy Muma, Ph.D., Chair, Department of Pharmacology and Toxicology
  • (11:35) Apurba Dutta, Ph.D., Interim Chair, Department of Medicinal Chemistry
  • (11:45) Brittany Melton, Ph.D., Pharm.D., Interim Chair, Department of Pharmacy Practice

Lunch with Faculty and Staff 
(2nd Floor Atrium)

Pharmacy Student Professional Organizations Tabling
(3rd floor)

1:15 p.m.

Financial Aid for Pharmacy Students

Kevin Foster, KU Office of Financial Aid
1:45 p.m.

Academic Standing

Janelle Ruisinger, Pharm.D., Associate Dean for Academic Affairs
2:25 p.m.5-Minute Break 
2:30 p.m.

Distance Learning Technology - Dos and Don'ts

Brad Newell, Pharm. D., Associate Dean, Wichita Campus
2:45 p.mIntroduction of the Professionalism Packet (Toolkit)Brittany Melton, Ph.D., Pharm.D., Interim Chair and Professor, Pharmacy Practice
3 p.m.

Introduction of the Professional Development Program

Cheryl Holcomb, Associate Dean of Finance and Resources

3:15 p.m.

10-Minute Break - stretch, chat, restroom 

3:25 p.m.

Wellness and Counseling ResourcesKaren Moeller, Pharm. D., Clinical Professor
3:40 p.m.

Introductory and Advanced Pharmacy Practice Experience (IPPE & APPE) Rotations

Joe Heidrick, Pharm.D., Associate Dean and Director, Office of Experiential Education
4 p.m.P1 Checklist, Release Forms, Closing Comments and AnnouncementsJim Backes, Pharm.D., Associate Dean for Clinical and Medical Center Affairs
4:15 p.m.

White Coat Sizing and Ice Cream Social (2nd floor atrium)